¿What is aesthetic taste?
The aesthetic taste is a quality acquired by the man towards the objects and cannot be determined by their physical or natural characteristics. Therefore, we could say that the aesthetic value sets a close link between man and object.
The arts education is focused on developing people’s expression and perception ability, understand, feel and enjoy the artistic beauty in all its different forms.
The arts education is the socially oriented process towards the creation and development of a critical attitude based on comprehension, appreciation, valuation and creation of beauty.
What is the meaning of beauty? Is it subjective or objective? Is it universal or related to a historical or geographical context? Because of these and another reasons is that the study of aesthetics in our school is part of the Raimondi study plan.
We do not limit art to be just a subject in school, but to be a work area that goes far beyond teaching.
Our students become creators and spectators of their own art; the teaching concept then acquires a broader meaning, a language of visual images able to join the universal message of prismatic appearance of aesthetic sensitivity.
It is not an isolated object but an object in the universe where all visual arts, with their shape, color and appearance are elements of an endless composition.
The multiple artistic disciplines, in all their forms, develop skills in the students through what gives substance and forms their aesthetic sensitivity.
The connection between the different artistic disciplines, the interrelation among them, their mutual exchange, cause a change in the conceptual frameworks of the students, in the investigation methodology. In addition, they create a new perspective about the world and a new sensitivity. The relationships then become balance: balance between the parties.