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Accompaniment Area

The Accompaniment Area (psychological services, personalized academic support and homeroom teaching) provide comprehensive and personalized support to our students. From the Psychology Department, we promote emotional, social and behavioral well-being, helping students overcome personal and academic challenges. The Sostegno (personalized academic support) team offers one-on-one assistance to those in need of adaptations of the educational program, ensuring that everyone reaches their full potential in an inclusive environment. The homeroom teachers are responsible for guiding and motivating students in their educational process, promoting self-efficacy and the development of key skills for their academic success.

Comprehensive and personalized support

Psychological Services

Our team of psychologists focuses on promoting the emotional and social well-being of students, offering personalized support throughout their education. Through preventive interventions and continuous accompaniment, we help students develop socio-emotional skills, manage conflicts, and face difficult situations, ensuring that they can reach their full potential in a healthy and safe environment.

Personalized Academic Support

The Sostegno (Personalized Academic Support) Department is designed to provide personalized attention to those students who require specific adaptations in their learning process. Through individualized educational plans and an inclusive approach, we work hand in hand with teachers and families to ensure that all students receive the necessary support, respecting their individual pace and needs, with the aim of guaranteeing their academic and personal success.

Homeroom Teaching

The Homeroom Teachers Department is focused on discovering and strengthening the improvement opportunities of each of our students through the group and personal tutoring program and working with families, creating a space of trust that allows our students to express themselves genuinely and safely.