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Artistic Proposal

We cultivate creative expression and appreciation of art through disciplines such as visual arts, music, dance and the subjects of the Artistic Liceo, strengthening aesthetic sensitivity and individual and group talent.

Art, Music, Dance, and More

Visual Arts

Art education is focused on developing the ability of individuals to express and perceive, understand, feel, and enjoy artistic beauty in all its different forms.

Art education is the socially oriented process of creating and developing a critical attitude towards art, based on the understanding, appreciation, valuing and creation of beauty.

What is the meaning of beauty? Is it subjective or objective? Is it universal or in relation to a historical or geographical context? For all these reasons and many more, the study of aesthetics in our school is part of the Raimondi curricula.


“Music is the science of order, and it lifts all souls up towards the good, the just, and the beautiful. It must be to the soul what gymnastics is to the body.” (Plato)

There are many benefits that the study of music provides, whether it is learning to play an instrument or being able to sing in a choir. It helps to strengthen our social skills from an early age, coinciding with the formation of some brain regions, which contribute to the learning of mathematics, reading and languages.

Antonio Raimondi School develops a consistent work from the first years, where the first notions of Rhythm and Melody are taught, until reaching middle school, where musical reading is mastered; perfect knowledge of traditional instruments; being able to interpret songs in different languages and by several voices; we also have ideal spaces where students can further strengthen this knowledge.


One of the main objectives of Antonio Raimondi School is to bring students closer to dance as a cultural-artistic manifestation; to raise awareness among students about its multicultural character, thus seeking their integration through dance; developing and promoting co-education through rhythm and bodily movements; to provide the child with a greater mastery of rhythmic and motor responses; help students to know the use of bodily language, as a new way of expression and communication that goes from the inside to the outside; likewise, to develop their rhythmic and spatial coordination (self-general), (attention-concentration) and perception; and finally, reaffirming their presence in their space, seeking a good relationship with their peers.